Attended all - (Amy absent due to illness).
Everyone has been assigned an Urban design theorist/ Urban design theory book. We are all to derive a drawing from these theories, related/applied to our site.
Elizabeth - A Pattern Language - Christopher Alexander.
Toby - Concise Townscape
Amy - Kevin Lynch - The Image of the City
Janelle - City form and Natural Process
Simon - Design With Nature
Irini - City as Landscape
We have decided to create our model as a digital model - using sketchup.
Useful documents to download:
- Urban Design Compendium - two additions available online.
Keep working on slogan, soundbite, concept development, eye-sore its, concept diagram.
Survey and analysis needs to be improved, and presented in a better way - pixellated at present.
SWOT - needs to be simplified.
Today we looked at everyones initial zoning plans for the site. From this information, we decided upon a final masterplan indicating where of all of the concepts for our design will be located.
Benz suggested to look up the East London Crossing - circa 1980.
Key to our site is the topography and drainage.
Think about a wetland centre - the wetland centre of the east.
Need to think about the spatial layout - how big the houses are - where they will be.
- Look at Bow Yard - Somerset.
- Decide on housing densities.
Simon will focus on the circulation and transport links. Everyone else focus on their design theory drawings.
I will be focussing on creating a rough masterplan of the agreed layout today.