
Simon's ideas for energy:


1) classic methods
2)experimental stuff
3) how we can combine and use them

1) classic methods
Solar panels( solar photovoltaics)

-       On housing rooftops
-       In separate large generating units on top of big buildings or on fields(ground level)
-       Preferable with a system so the angle of the panel and the roof can be adjusted while the sun moves during the day.

Solar heater

-Tube system on housing roofs to collect the suns heat and use it for hot water in the houses

Wind turbines

-       on the highest point (hill)
-       Or near the thames( strong winds)
-       Shade and noise can be a problem

Tidal barrages

-       Water is high: reservoir fills with water
-       Water is low : the height difference between reservoirs and river produces energy

Wave energy

Wave strength of Thames isn’t sufficient for this…

Bio energy

-       Biological waste from agriculture or organic household waste is decomposed by bacteria and converted into gas. The gas is burnt and electricity is produced. The heat produced by the process can be re used for warming houses.
-       Water purification: silt that remains after the process is converted by bacteria into gas, the gas is burnt and electricity is produced by this. The heat produced by the process can be used for warming houses

Hydro-electric plant

-       Converting the motion energy of the thames into electricity
-        We’ll have to build dikes and sluices
-       Mud will float upstream (negative)

Municipal heating

Very popular in Scandinavia
-       In one power station warm water is produced at high efficency. And goes to houses in isolated tubes

-  Co2 + sunlight
-       Are genetically manipulated to produce ethanol
-       Ethanol is burnt to produce energy


-       good isolation
-       Double window glass
-       Windows directed south
-       Smart metering


-       Rainwater collector for toilet
-       Sand filtration + bio pond : big sand filtration system that purifies water of the community in combination with reed that have a layer of bacteria to decompose waste.
-       Heat pumps: produce warm water by pumping up ground water

Living plant energy

Plants convert Co2 during photosynthesis into organic compounds. Of these organic compound the plants uses a part to sustain itself the other part is ejected through the roots. Micro organism around the roots decompose the organic compounds. During this process electrons are released. These electrons are collected by an electrode: production of energy.
Dc that is produced has a low voltage so is harmless for plants and animals.

Producing hydrogen from biomass

- Breakdown of biomass into fermentable matter: useable bio sources:
Residential materials from the food industry, potato steam peek, molasses, wheat bran, barley straw, sugar beets etc.

- Fermentation:
-        1) first fermentation: bacteria convert the substrate into hydrogen co2 en organic acids
-        2) second fermentation: organic acids are converted into hydrogen and co2

-re processing + purification of hydrogen.



-       electro active polymers
-       screen printed electroluminescent displays
-       eco friendly bioplastic
-       thin-film dye sensitized solar cells
-       produces energy from the sunlight
-       responds to presents of people through motion and lights.

Check the video!


-       windstrument windturbines  provide renewable energy ( orchid like disgn)
-       affordable renewable energy for residential and utility scaled projects including entire communities, industrial centers and agricultural groups
-       rooftop or pole mounted system is affordable, quiet, powerful, bird safe and scalable.

See through solar panels
Can be used as windows and for balconies

Spherical solar energy generating globe

sun-tracking glass globe that is able to concentrate sunlight (and moonlight) up to 10,000 times. system is 35% more efficient than traditional dual-axis photovoltaic designs, and the fully rotational, weatherproof sphere is even capable of harvesting electricity from moonlight.

3) how we can combine and use them

Idea for housing
1)    Floating houses with a basement that’s used for tidal barrage, the houses are ankert to the ground and when the tide is high the basement floods , when the tide is low the height difference between the house and the river, extension of the river, flooded aria.. produces energy
2)    Solar panels on the roof
3)    Windows ( double ): 1 glass and one see through solar panels
4)    See trough solar panels as fence on the balcony
5)    Good isolation
6)    Rainwater collected for toilet
7)    Organic waste, collected and converted into bio energy + heat( that’s reused for the houses)
8)    Windstrument on every house for own electricity
9)    1 big municipal heating facility that provides warm water for all the houses and a solar heater in every house

Idea for industry

Solar panels on each roof (where there is a roof park, integrate into the design)
Windows changed with 1 glass and 1 see trough solar panel window
Rainwater collected for toilets
Algae tubes facility( building or in the river? Maybe if we put to much stuff in the river its to busy so I think we’ll have to create a facility for this)

Idea for the nature reserve

Big windmills at the border of this area next to industry so the shade and noise isn’t a problem

Windstruments and Spherical solar energy generating globe scattered everywhere and energy goes to the housing and industry.

Phototropia  along side the pedestrian walkways(ground and elevated) artisticly moduled + the movement and lights give an unique experience. And can relate to the science facility.

All the plants have an electrode near there roots( maybe we can poot a raster with an interval of 0.5 m with electrodes on it so we can collected al the natural produces electrons for energy from the plants, we’ll need a facility where these are collected and converted into energy

Science facility

Monitors the efficiency of all the energy sources and there consumption and the new stuff like phototropia and living plant energy. I think it’s interesting if we make it like something you can visit to learn about renewable energy and cool wacky new ideas instead just a research facility

posted by Liz.