To try and deal with the tasks assigned, and so that people aren't waiting for orders from others ( as we do not have a group leader per se, I have come up with a list of tasks, so that people get on with work, without having being told to do a specific task - this way, if people miss a session, they can still get on with tasks, please feel free to add to/alter/amend as you see fit - these are just my ideas - not necessarily the right or wrong way to go about things - any input - greatly appreciated).
Things to be done: (I have listed these in
order of priority – the first needing to be tackled before the other
Everyone to work on for next week – or be
thinking about – so that we can apply to our design:
- Storyboard – the narrative –
the driving force behind our design – the urban surgeons – was a really key,
punchy idea – perhaps we could be scientists – this could be our eco
experiment. Urban experiment – take us back to basics – in a futuristic manner.
It has to be a line of argument to explain the urban development proposal.
General format – this is what is good about the site , this is what is bad
about the site – and this is how we propose to change the site.
Application of design theories
to the site – urban design drawings (as per group projects today).
Please select a few things that you can
work on for the next week:
Apply cell concept to the design.
Refine our ideas and
leading to our design decision.
Rethink the circulation and
transport – put more thought into it. Cleaner graphics – clearer.
A strong overriding vision for
the site – has become a bit piecemeal – lost site of the bigger picture (or
perhaps we didn’t articulate this well today – I don’t think we did – I
definitely didn’t).
Refine concept diagram – needs to be
more powerful (according to benz) – perhaps need to think more about how this
relates to our site.
Need topography layer – interpolate
A physical model – with
topography (contour model).
Refine the survey
information – cleaner graphics – general overview.
Flood maps –
need to think about the flooding of the site more and the water.
SWOT applied
to a site plan – detail areas of weaknesses.
Another to
demonstrate the areas of strength and where we will utilize these strengths for
our design.
Indicate the size of the
Work out the tidal range.
- Slogan/soundbite.
Demonstrate where the road is
on site
plans – existing and after – improve colours – perhaps have two
realistic versions – rather than blocky illustrator vectors. These can be used
as comparative maps for survey overlays.
Creation of habitats.
- Theatrical plan – need to create a narrative for the site – tie
this into our presentation.
These are in no particular order – I feel
they are not as important this week (I may be wrong).
A brainstorm of ideas.
Final presentation – using powerpoint or premiere pro- I am happy to put something
together with premiere pro or powerpoint – with everyone else’s input and ideas
– guiding it graphically.
An animation of the site – sketchup?
Photomontages –before and after.
Mood board
for each area.
Exploded axonometric for analysis?
- Cross
History of the site – looking backwards and then forwards – visual time line.
For later:
Agenda for change.
Cost plan
Get everyone to send info sketches etc et
to go on our blog.