A few members of the team have expressed concerns about the development of the group project.
Anyway, after a discussion with Benz, it has been announced that individual work will be looked at across all of the groups.
This week we looked at transportation as an overlay and an expansion on the masterplan. We started to construct a transportation system - which is densely linked - as based on the Swiss railway system, as recommended by Christopher Alexander.
We then started to look back at our old masterplan, and focus on the strong elements, rather than trying to get away from this - hone in on the patchwork, linear patterns cutting through - as above there are precedents, as recommended by Benz- relating to the lay of the land in Holland.
This has informed the structure of parts of our site. Within this we have assigned densities for each of the areas -moving from areas of higher density through to the lowest densities - so that people are able to live at the type of density they wish - Christopher Alexander proposes that this a way of keeping prices down - if an area has densities suited to different people - so that people can choose where they want to live.
Everyone has been assigned tasks to continue to work on - we aim to complete the majority of the powerpoint for next week, leaving photomontages leading up to the final presentation.
The strategy for next week, is to have a finalised masterplan, that we will then construct a model from.