The Barking and Dagenham Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2010 -2015 aims to maintain, enhance and extend priority habitats through targeted actions. The local Wildlife Partnership will work with the council and other partners to achieve these aims.

Acid grasslandAcid grassland in Barking and Dagenham is mainly found in the Beam Valley, particularly in the Chase Local Nature Reserve. Smaller areas are found in local parks, including Mayesbrook Park. The Barking and Dagenham LBAP aims to protect all existing areas of acid grassland, improve the habitat quality at specific sites and facilitate the creation of new acid grassland where possible.More >
Gardens and AllotmentsPrivate gardens cover a large proportion of the borough's area. Collectively they provide wildlife with a rich diversity of habitats making an important contribution to Barking & Dagenham’s overall wildlife resource. Allotments are also a haven for wildlife. The cultivated and empty plots, nectar producing plants, compost heaps, wildflower meadows, sheds and stores, and the boundary hedges and banks all provide a variety of habitats, attracting birds, insects and small mammals.More >
Lowland meadowsLowland meadows include most forms of unimproved neutral grassland and support a rich diversity of plants and animals. The habitat closest to such grassland in the borough can be found in the semi-natural grasslands of the Beam Valley and Eastbrookend Country Park. As well as protecting this habitat there are also opportunities to create wildflower meadows in the borough’s parks. Semi-improved grassland is found in many locations and is often under threat from development.More >
ReedbedsReedbeds are an important habitat for mammals such as water voles, birds and invertebrates. Areas of reedbed occur on many waterways and water bodies in the borough, including the River Roding, the Mayesbrook and Goresbrook, the River Beam and Dagenham Breach.More >
Rivers and StreamsRivers in Barking and Dagenham are important wildlife corridors in a heavily urbanised area. The Barking and Dagenham BAP seeks to maintain and enhance the ecological value of its rivers and their associated habitats.More >
WoodlandBarking and Dagenham has relatively low levels of woodland compared to neighbouring boroughs of Redbridge and Havering. Woodland is mainly secondary growth and tends to be fragmented but still provides important habitat for wildlife. This plan seeks to improve management of woodland on local authority owned sites to maximise the value of these woodlands for biodiversity and to identify opportunities for new woodland planting.


Habitat nameLatest statusLatest trendAssessment date
Acid Grassland5 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Broadleaved, Mixed and Yew Woodland8.50 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Built environment - buildings and other urban structures2378 HectaresIncreasing26/11/2007
Churchyards, cemeteries and burial grounds28 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh1.50 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Fen, Marsh and Swamp5.60 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Gardens and allotments842 HectaresUnknown19/12/2007
Intertidal mudflats42 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Neutral Grassland290 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Reedbeds7 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Rivers and Streams123 HectaresStable26/11/2007
Standing Open Water and Canals46 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007
Urban - brownfield/ wastelands/ derelict sites
Urban - managed greenspaces479 HectaresUnknown26/11/2007


TaxonSpecies nameLatest statusLatest trendAssessment date
Ants / Bees / Sawflies / WaspsBombus (Megabombus) hortorum (Small Garden Bumble Bee)
BatsEptesicus serotinus (Serotine Bat)
BatsNyctalus noctula (Noctule Bat)
BatsPipistrellus pipistrellus (Pipistrelle bat)
BeetlesLucanus cervus (Stag Beetle)
BirdsPasser domesticus (House Sparrow)
ButterfliesArgynnis adippe (High Brown Fritillary)
ButterfliesBoloria euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
ButterfliesEuphydryas aurinia (Marsh Fritillary)
ButterfliesHesperia comma (Silver-spotted Skipper)
ButterfliesLycaena dispar (Large Copper)
ButterfliesMelitaea athalia (Heath Fritillary)
ButterfliesPhengaris arion (Large Blue)
ButterfliesVanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Frogs / Toads / NewtsRana temporaria (Common Frog)
Frogs / Toads / NewtsTriturus cristatus (Great Crested Newt)
Lizards / Snakes / TurtlesAnguis fragilis (Slow-worm)
Lizards / Snakes / TurtlesZootoca vivipara (Common Lizard)
Vascular PlantsPopulus nigra (Black-poplar)

Flora native to our site, according to postcodes: